01/03/09 to 01/11/09 We spent this week in Lakeland, FL, with Bob’s sister and bro-in-law, Betty and Harry. They live in a beautiful 55+ community of 1150 homes, occupied mostly by refugees from the cold, cold North. Citrus trees are abundant and we were able to pick grapefruit, oranges, and gigantic lemons sized more like big navel oranges. We met new people, played cards, board games, and Mexican train dominoes, and walked through the community almost every day. One day a shopping mall nearby had to serve as a substitute walking venue–a real hardship! On Friday, we headed to the Auburndale flea and farm market in search of strawberries, as the season is getting started here. When we returned to Clearwater Beach on Sunday, we drove Harry and Betty’s van, which they kindly loaned us for a few weeks. You Loopers will appreciate what a great convenience it is to have a vehicle to use at any time and how grateful we are.
01/12/09 to 01/17/09 Back at the boat, everything is fine. We located the Clearwater Library and the used book shop operated by the Friends of the Library, Bob located a Walgreens, where he got his flu shot, Lois found Country Quilts and Bears quilt shop, purchased batting for her quilt, and located Lucky Sew and Sew, where Marlene will do the machine quilting. Bob found a diver to inspect the bottom of the boat, the prop, and the shaft. He reported that the shaft seems to be OK, but the edges of the blades on the prop are rolled, causing the vibration we reported in our blog of 12/26/08. The diver will remove the prop, take it to be repaired, and bring it back and replace it. On the weather front, this week has been cold, night temperatures going down into the 40's here, an abrupt change from the previous two weeks. Oh, you folks in PA and NY feel soooo sorry for us, don’t you?
01/12/09 to 01/17/09 Back at the boat, everything is fine. We located the Clearwater Library and the used book shop operated by the Friends of the Library, Bob located a Walgreens, where he got his flu shot, Lois found Country Quilts and Bears quilt shop, purchased batting for her quilt, and located Lucky Sew and Sew, where Marlene will do the machine quilting. Bob found a diver to inspect the bottom of the boat, the prop, and the shaft. He reported that the shaft seems to be OK, but the edges of the blades on the prop are rolled, causing the vibration we reported in our blog of 12/26/08. The diver will remove the prop, take it to be repaired, and bring it back and replace it. On the weather front, this week has been cold, night temperatures going down into the 40's here, an abrupt change from the previous two weeks. Oh, you folks in PA and NY feel soooo sorry for us, don’t you?
Yup. Sorry. That would be what I am. Not!!! As I stick my tongue out and give you a raspberry. HaHa! So glad you are enjoying yourselves.
Anywhere/thing you haven't seen yet that you are planning seeing or doing?
We miss you guys. We've unloaded Gilraker and I have two pickup loads of things to stuff into the house.
Gary will have both knees replaced on 2/9. He's counting the days. Lorenzo has offered to come by several times a week and let me slap HIM. That's a real friend!
We hope to get back to the Loop next year. If we can tear ourselves away from little James Timothy Walker, due 6/17/09!
Have a great trip the rest of the way!
Gary and Judy
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