12/04/08 We departed Fort Walton Beach under cloudy skies this morning. Wind and waves increased in intensity throughout the day. As we approached the Panama City Marina, we were dreading the docking, assuming it would be as difficult as yesterday; however, dockhands were available to help us and it went very well.
12/05/08 Once again it was overcast and chilly as we made our way along the GIWW. After 40 miles, we found the White City town park/boat launch/dock, where we tied up for the night, forcing a couple fishermen off. Gary, Lorenzo, and Bob bought part of their catch for our supper, so hopefully they didn’t resent us too much for making them move. Gary and Bob cleaned the fish and Lois J. fried them. We couldn’t decide if we were in the central time zone anymore, so we didn’t change watches. Sometime tomorrow we’ll be back in the eastern time zone for sure.
12/06/08 About 6 AM the bass boats started zooming away from the launch ramp-evidently a bass tournament was getting underway. Fortunately they were long gone by 7 AM when we left. Our route today was mostly canals, though we did cross 2 small lakes and a portion of the Apalachicola River before entering the Apalachicola Bay. We passed a variety of structures, from floating fish camps to elaborate 2 story homes. Bypassing the town of Apalachicola, we went 30 miles further to Carabelle. Our friends Lorenzo and Lois on "Lil’ David" and Gary and Judy on "Gilraker" are leaving their boats in Carabelle for several weeks while they go home to North Carolina. We plan to cross a 70 mile section of the Gulf of Mexico to get to the west coast of Florida, but we’ll wait until conditions are favorable on this stretch of open water-winds predicted out of the north or east at 10-15 mph, waves 1-3 feet. It will probably be several days. A number of Loopers are here waiting for conditions to change, so we have plenty of company. There won’t be anything to report on the blog for 7-10 days.
12/05/08 Once again it was overcast and chilly as we made our way along the GIWW. After 40 miles, we found the White City town park/boat launch/dock, where we tied up for the night, forcing a couple fishermen off. Gary, Lorenzo, and Bob bought part of their catch for our supper, so hopefully they didn’t resent us too much for making them move. Gary and Bob cleaned the fish and Lois J. fried them. We couldn’t decide if we were in the central time zone anymore, so we didn’t change watches. Sometime tomorrow we’ll be back in the eastern time zone for sure.
12/06/08 About 6 AM the bass boats started zooming away from the launch ramp-evidently a bass tournament was getting underway. Fortunately they were long gone by 7 AM when we left. Our route today was mostly canals, though we did cross 2 small lakes and a portion of the Apalachicola River before entering the Apalachicola Bay. We passed a variety of structures, from floating fish camps to elaborate 2 story homes. Bypassing the town of Apalachicola, we went 30 miles further to Carabelle. Our friends Lorenzo and Lois on "Lil’ David" and Gary and Judy on "Gilraker" are leaving their boats in Carabelle for several weeks while they go home to North Carolina. We plan to cross a 70 mile section of the Gulf of Mexico to get to the west coast of Florida, but we’ll wait until conditions are favorable on this stretch of open water-winds predicted out of the north or east at 10-15 mph, waves 1-3 feet. It will probably be several days. A number of Loopers are here waiting for conditions to change, so we have plenty of company. There won’t be anything to report on the blog for 7-10 days.
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