After spending a week in lovely Guntersville. AL, we are re-tracing our route to return to Joe Wheeler State Park and wait for our Looper companions to return from Chattanooga. Then we’ll figure out the route south to Mobile, and break into smaller groups to travel. The seven boats of us who were traveling together last week were certainly noticed in Guntersville, where all of us stayed overnight at the new (free!) town dock. We were interviewed by a local reporter, and photographed for the Guntersville Advertiser-Gleam. The article was on the front page above the fold!
As you’ve already read, we had mechanical trouble and spent the week at Alred Marina near Guntersville. We were treated very well by the manager and employees-everyone was so helpful. Fortunately, we had the use of the marina courtesy car several times and went into town to Wal-Mart (the boater’s friend, in addition to Walgreen and West Marine), restaurants, and the chiropractor. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to Chattanooga. Saturday, we drove to Huntsville, AL, and went to the U.S. Space and Rocket Center museum. The museum was a bit disappointing-it looks a little bedraggled, as though its best days are behind it. Hopefully, things will improve, as the Huntsville area has been an important part of space exploration since the beginning and continues to be a vital part of it.
We had planned to go all the way to Joe Wheeler in one day but the bridge in Decatur would not lift so we stopped in a marina for the night as we would not have made the rest of the trip before dark.
After spending a week in lovely Guntersville. AL, we are re-tracing our route to return to Joe Wheeler State Park and wait for our Looper companions to return from Chattanooga. Then we’ll figure out the route south to Mobile, and break into smaller groups to travel. The seven boats of us who were traveling together last week were certainly noticed in Guntersville, where all of us stayed overnight at the new (free!) town dock. We were interviewed by a local reporter, and photographed for the Guntersville Advertiser-Gleam. The article was on the front page above the fold!
As you’ve already read, we had mechanical trouble and spent the week at Alred Marina near Guntersville. We were treated very well by the manager and employees-everyone was so helpful. Fortunately, we had the use of the marina courtesy car several times and went into town to Wal-Mart (the boater’s friend, in addition to Walgreen and West Marine), restaurants, and the chiropractor. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to Chattanooga. Saturday, we drove to Huntsville, AL, and went to the U.S. Space and Rocket Center museum. The museum was a bit disappointing-it looks a little bedraggled, as though its best days are behind it. Hopefully, things will improve, as the Huntsville area has been an important part of space exploration since the beginning and continues to be a vital part of it.
We had planned to go all the way to Joe Wheeler in one day but the bridge in Decatur would not lift so we stopped in a marina for the night as we would not have made the rest of the trip before dark.
11/03/08 We continued to Joe Wheeler and arrived by 1100. We got right to work and changed the oil and filter in the main engine. Now for a couple days to clean up and relax.
We’ve traveled over half the length of the Tennessee River and have really enjoyed the natural beauty and tranquility of this area. It appeals to vacationers and fishermen, and we’re told that many retirees have come here to make the area their home as well.
Pictures!!! Show us more, show us more!
HaHa! Glad you are enjoying your trip.
Lois and Bob:
We have been following your adventures even though we have not written in some time.
Your trip has certainly been exciting! We love your pictures and expecially the sunset!! It was almost as beautiful as those we saw in Greece!
We can't wait to see you in the Spring and hear all about your adventures!
Porter's has not changed - - we had a great first year. It was an expensive summer - - bow thuster, charger, two batteries, isolator, packed shafts and refrigerator and soda blast bottom (thanks to the advice of "Captain Bob Christopher)!
Had great cruises to Rock Hall and Fels Point - 3X's. We are excited to travel further south in '09.
Safe Trip and we look forward to more pictures and comments!
Pattie and Colin McKinsey
Special Lady
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