We arrived back at the boat on Sat. evening after driving in the rain all day. Some times it rained so hard that traffic was down to 30 mph. We would have pulled off the highway if there would have been a good place. On Sun. we replenished the boat since we had been gone 17 days. It was still raining and the water was coming up fast. The marina was moving everything they could to higher ground and I ask where would be ag ood place to park my rental car. They showed me and even told me about an escape route if the main drive flooded. Monday 9/15 the water was covering the parking lot and all the emmployees were here and sandbagging the main building. I helped fill sand bags part of the day. The river continued to rise and after midnight the battle to keep the water out of the main building failed. The water had exceeded the level of earlier years and they ran out of sand and bags. They had been pumping the water out from behind the bags all day. They ended up with 18 inches in the offices and the carpets were a mess. They had piled every thing up off the floors and in the desks on top off the desks and counters. The river crested around 10:00 am on Tue. 9/16 and by Noon it had started to drop very slowly. A couple of the marina crew are here checking on things , but the rest of the crew is home resting.
On Wed 9/17 The crew was here in full force and the clean up began as the water receded. The Shop was the first to drop and they hosed out the mud and sprayed to stop the mildew. Then the main building drained and the crew started there to hose out and get back to normal. The parking lots still had 2 -3 ft of water so the fork lift was busy moving people and materials. They started to remove the sand bags and pumps. By the time the parking lot was bare they had the sand bags done and they used a truck with snow plow to get ride of the first layer of debris. Then the bobcat with the brush and finally the fire hose to get the last of the mud. This marina has plenty of equipment and lots of men to operate it. Every body seems to have a plan and they are devoted to the work. We have been confined to the boat and the floating docks for several days except when we would take the dinghy and row from the docks to high ground. On Tuesday we returned the rental car and got a few supplies. On Wed and Thur we worked on the boat and I got my new radar mounted on the mast and got it hooked up. Next project is to learn to use it.
Late Thur. we were finally able to walk off the docks and walk through the parking lot without using the dinghy to get there. On Fri. we replaced the Exhaust hose on the boat. Washed the boat and did laundry. The restaurant over the office is open again and we went out to eat. The marina is looking very good considering what has happened in the last week. People are here checking on their boats and can't believe the river has gone down 7' 2" and is still 2 - 3 feet higher than normal. The locks south of here are still closed and we hope they will be ready to use early next week. We will be ready to get under way and will have to pickup the pace to get to the rendezvous in Alabama by Oct. 17th. Here are some pictures of the mess.
1 comment:
Wow! What a mess! Glad you are all ok. Hope you are resting this weekend after working so hard the last few days.
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