Monday, July 21, 2008

From Hastings to Peterborough, Ont.

Today we transisited 1 lock as we continued up the Trent-Severn River System. Tomorrow we will be going through the Highest Lift Lock in the World. We will be lifted 65 ft. in a pan of water in 2 mins. There is a museum here as well and we will go through that as well. We are really excited about this Lock. The next blog will include pictures. The weather was cool today and finally around noon it rained for about 1 hour, Some areas had thunder and lightning and very heavy downpours. It was nice to have a windshield and sidecurtains to keep us dry. This evening it has been clear and very pleasant.


wanda f. hess said...

Hi Bob and Lois, Getting on your trip hot and heavy, i see, interesting..Got your card and enjoyed reading and looking at it. I'm canning apricots and harvard beets. The corn is soon ready.Sounds like i am living a different life then you..Have fun. love,Wanda & Glenn

Barb Norton said...

Hi Mom & Dad! The pictures are great! Nice to have more updates this week. Should have grape tomatoes to pick in a week or two. The pool is 90 degrees! Katie says "Hi! I love you!"
