Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Burlington,VT to Plattsburgh & Rouses Point, NY

Yesterday we traveled to Plattsburg & today we proceded to Rouses Point, NY which is 1 mile from the Canadian Border. If it doesn't storm tomorrow we will cross the border and begin about 6 to 8 weeks of foreign travel. This means that we will be limited because of the cost of cell phone service and we will have to shut down the air card and rely on wi-fi and libraries for bloging and e-mails. I keep my cell phone but will have to pay .59 per min to use it. No long conversations. I will try to get one blog per week minimum on the net. There may be areas that our cell phones will not have a signal and we will just have to catch up when we do have a signal. Stay tuned for more details as we can supply them. Bob & Lois


Becky Miller said...

I spkoe with Dad tonight 7/2/08, theya re just outside of Ottawa Canada, on the Ottawa River. Tomorrow they will be searching for the World's Largest Log House, somewhere in the Ottawa area. They will probably spend a few days in the area, then continue on the Ottawa River. All is well and they have had on again off again rain showers. Sure wish we were that lucky here in midstate PA. They send their love and hello's to all.

Their daughter,

Barb Norton said...

I also spoke w/ Dad tonight. Sounds like they are at Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue (western end of Montreal?). Sounds like quite an adventure going throught the locks and having to move in close quarters w/ some big freight ships.

SheilaP said...

Hey Lois, looks like the strong women class came handy with that dragon rescue! Hope you are having a great time - what an adventure! We are thinking of you and hope you will rejoin us in class in the fall. Sheila Peters (from strong women class!)

wanda f. hess said...

Hi Bob and Lois.happy 4th of July!!!glad to hear your trip is going safely and enjoying it. we have rain this weekend and everything is growing. glenn's garden is producing and producing...Everything is beautiful and green.Love,Wanda