Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Well we finally got underway today and we traveled to Chesapeake City on the C and D Canal and are staying at a free city dock. The weather tommorow doesn't look good to cross to Cape May. We will wait till tommorow and decide. The picture enclosed today will be what we see when we get home. This powerplant is at Carrol Island, MD.


Barb Norton said...

And you're off! All is well at home. Mom, I sent you pictures of your iris that didn't bloom till after you left :)

Becky Miller said...

Yeah!!! You are under way! We will be tracking you with the help of google maps. Will you spend the night in Cape May when you get there? Barb spread Preen on your flower beds today, to keep the weeds at bay (I hope).
Becky, Winter and Bobby

Megan&boys' said...

We are glad your journey has finally begun! We'll be watching via your blog and look forward to "going with you." Love, Scott, Megan & boys'

Debb said...

Bon Voyage! We are enjoying watching your adventure on the high seas.

Debb and Will